To ensure that we move towards a just, peaceful and sustainable world by 2030 we stand together with rising movements, such as those led by women and young people. We are claiming our rights to voice, equality, peace, climate and environmental justice.


From 20 to 27 September 2019, people mobilised across the world for the Global Week of Action and called on world leaders to commit to equality, civic space and environmental and climate justice. We worked in solidarity with the Global Climate Strike and other movements who mobilised during the same week.


The Global Week of Action was our chance to call for more ambition from world leaders as they met for the 74th UN General Assembly in New York.

Why we stand together now


This statement was signed by 386 movements, organisations and individuals, and it was used to demand urgent from world leaders in September 2019.


In 2015 world leaders signed historic agreements – the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the broader 2030 Agenda to push for a more just and sustainable world by 2030. These inter-linked agendas promised to transform the world, to end poverty, to reduce inequality, ensure peace and combat climate change; to set us on a path towards a just transition and a holistic approach to the systems which underpin our economy, society, and environment. So far, delivery has failed to live up to this bold ambition.


Around the world, people are suffering from the overlapping impacts of inequalities, loss of rights, gender injustice, conflict, militarisation, environmental degradation and climate change. The economic, financial and political systems are concentrating power and wealth in the hands of a few, favouring a limited number of individuals, countries and businesses. Nature is our life support system – when it is degraded, polluted and overused there are disastrous impacts for our food security, water supply, air quality and for our economy. Climate change impacts food security, water to irrigate crops and disruption from extreme weather events. Without tackling climate change and loss of biodiversity by protecting and restoring our natural world, we will fail to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.


That is why we are standing alongside many others around the world in calling out a state of emergency. Humanity cannot afford to wait, people are demanding transformative change, and we are not willing to accept the current lack of action and ambition from many governments.


We are at a critical turning point – in September 2019, heads of state will meet again to review progress and we demand that they set out a more ambitious roadmap for practical action. This moment has the potential to foster irreversible momentum for greater accountability, enhanced ambition and clear action in the following 10 years to deliver on the promise of a just transition.


In order to deliver this momentum, we are working together across movements and across borders, to push for wider change, amplifying voices of local communities, and sharing the demands for transformational change coming from people from all across the globe.


To ensure that we move towards a just, peaceful and sustainable world by 2030… we stand together with rising movements, such as those led by women and young people for our rights to voice, equality, and climate and environmental justice.


Voice: We call on governments to guarantee the right to freedoms of expression, association and assembly; and to ensure inclusion and participation for all; so that people and community organisations can engage freely in all levels of decision-making processes in an open civic space, without fear of violence or intimidation. We also call on governments to commit to a universal moratorium or reduction of military budgets in order to fund climate and environmental protection and the fight against poverty, hunger and inequality.


Equality: We call on governments to address the multiple dimensions of inequality, deliver on their promise to ‘Leave No One Behind’; and to tackle the root causes of inequality through tax justice and social protection and an end to discrimination against women and girls and the most marginalized communities in every country. We call on all governments, but in particular provider countries, to champion these goals by overhauling their approaches to financing, consistent with both our ambition and agreed development effectiveness principles — to ensure democratic country ownership, a focus on results, inclusivity and mutual accountability.


Environmental & climate justice: We demand that countries honor their commitments by presenting concrete and ambitious plans to protect humanity and human rights; halting biodiversity loss and implementing concrete conservation measures; protection of people and communities at the frontlines of climate change, to build their resilience, support adaptation and address loss and damage; and move towards a just transition to renewables and concerted action to halve carbon emissions by 2030 and to eliminate them altogether by 2050 at the latest; so that we ensure that we limit the global temperature rise to 1.5C degrees.


Promote this statement with the hashtag #StandTogetherNow on social media.


  1. A cry of the African child
  2. Abibiman Foundation
  3. ACT Alliance
  4. Action For Development
  5. Action for Sustainable Development
  6. Action on Disability and Development
  7. ActionAid
  8. Ada
  9. Africa for SDGS/CEPARD
  10. África Fundación Sur
  11. Africa Young Positives Network
  12. African Center for Solidarity and mutual Aid between the Communities (CASEC|ACSAC)
  13. African Monitor
  14. Ageing Nepal
  15. Alberta Council for Global Cooperation
  16. Alianza ONG – República Dominicana
  18. Alqadhi Ghamdan
  19. Amis des Étrangers au Togo:  ADET
  20. Amnesty International
  21. AMOUZAY Lahoucine
  22. Andreas Szegö
  23. Anki Blomqvist
  24. annicamari
  25. Annie Phillipson
  26. Another Development Foundation
  27. AO1O-Asamblea sobre Desigualdades
  28. APSD – Asia Civil Society Partnership for Sustainable Development
  29. As an individual Hitesh BHATT-india empirical experience and freelancer.
  30. Asia Dalit Rights Forum
  31. Asia Development Alliance
  32. Asociación Grafeno
  33. Associated Country Women of the World
  34. Association  » paix  » pour la lutte contre la contrainte et l’injustice doteé du statut ECOSOC/NU
  35. Association des jeunes pour le Développement des Communes AJDC-Mali
  36. Association des Jeunes pour le Développement des Communes AJDCMALI
  37. Association des mamans célibataires pour la paix et le development
  38. Association du développement et de la promotion de droit de l’Homme/Réseau Mauritanien éducation pour tous
  39. Association For Promotion Sustainable development
  40. Association for Rural Social Welfare Nepal (ARSOW Nepal)
  41. Association of Dalit Women Advancement of Nepal
  42. Athanasia
  43. AwazCDS/Pakistan Development Alliance
  44. Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD)
  45. Banka BioLoo
  46. Be the Change
  47. Blue Banner NGO, Mongolia
  48. Bodi svetloba NGO
  49. Bolcris International
  50. Brigitte Demers
  51. Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation
  52. Burundi Child Rights Coalition
  54. CAFSO-WRAG for Development
  55. Campaign for Good Governance
  56. CAN
  57. Canadian Council for International Co-operation
  58. Canadian Hemp Farmers Alliance
  59. Casavalle de Pie . Uruguay
  60. Cecilia Fagerberg
  62. Center for Development of Civil Society
  63. Center for Development of International Law
  64. Center for Human Rights & Development (CHRD)
  65. Center for Participatory Research and Development-CPRD
  66. Centre for Disaster Risk and Climate (CDRC)
  67. Centre for Environmental Justice
  68. Charity Alive
  69. Children and Young People Living for Peace, Nigeria
  70. Citizen
  71. Citoyen béninois
  73. Civil Society Advance Forum on Sustainable Development
  74. Civil Society Coalition on Sustainable Development
  75. Civil Society or Non-Governmental Organisation
  76. Civil Society Platform on Sustainable Energy for All (CSPSEA)
  77. Climate Watch Thailand
  78. CODE-NGO
  79. CommonwealthYouth PAN
  80. Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan-CIDP
  81. Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
  82. Consumer Protection Association – Gambia
  83. Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC)
  84. Cooperation for Peace and Development (CPD)
  85. Coordinadora de ONGD-España
  86. Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency – SPPMD
  87. CPDE
  88. CR-Network Ghana
  89. CRenew
  90. CSYM HUDUMA TANZANIA -Christian Spiritual Youth Ministry
  91. Curtis business
  92. Daniel Johansson
  93. Dash Inspectorate Cameroon Ltd Co
  94. Development and Peace/Caritas Canada
  95. Dytech Zambia
  96. EcoHimal Nepal
  97. Ecolife Kenya
  98. Economy for the Common Good
  99. Edmund Rice international
  100. EDUCO
  102. Elaine Osborn
  103. Emonyo Yefwe International
  105. End Water Poverty
  106. ENDA Tiers-Monde
  107. Environmental Pillar
  108. Erika Olofsson
  109. Evaldas P.
  111. FAWCO/NGO Committee on the Status of Women Vienna
  112. Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal (FECOFUN)
  113. Feminist League
  114. Fff Södertälje Sweden
  115. Forest Friends Ireland
  117. Forus
  118. Forus
  119. Francesca Pawelczyk
  120. Fredrik Lindqvist
  121. Free lance Governance Consultance
  122. Fundamental human Rights & Rural Development Association FHRRDA
  123. Futuro en Común
  124. Gatef organization
  125. GCAP
  127. GCAP-Burundi
  128. GCAP-Sri Lanka
  129. GCAP/MALI
  131. Ger Doherty
  133. German NGO Forum on Environment and Development
  134. GESTOS – Hiv, Communication and Gender
  135. Gestos – Soropositivity, Communication and Gender
  136. Ghana Civil Society Platform on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  137. Global Agenda for Total Emancipation (GATE)
  138. Global Call To Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
  139. Global Call to Action against Poverty, GCAP Liberia
  140. Global Network of Women Peacebuilders
  141. Global Policy Forum
  142. GOLD
  143. Good Energies Alliance Ireland
  144. Grassroots Civil Society Network of Liberia (GCSN-L)
  145. Gray Panthers
  146. Greenpeace
  147. Grupo FARO
  150. Gulshan-e-John
  151. Hábitat para la Humanidad México A.C.
  152. Hague Appeal for Peace
  153. HaritaDhara Research Development and Education Foundation
  154. Hellenic Platform for Development
  155. HIRED Consult
  156. HoE
  157. Honorary President, Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU)
  158. Hope to the Future Association
  159. Housing and Land Rights Network – Habitat International Coalition
  160. Human Health Aid Burundi
  161. Human Rights Alliance Bangladesh-HRAB
  162. Human Rights Institute of South Africa
  163. human rights solidarity movement
  164. Human Rights Support Society
  166. Ibitikar Foundation for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
  167. IFOAM – Organics International
  168. Indian Ocean Peace Council (IOPC)
  169. INFID – Indonesia
  170. Initiative zur Förderung der Wirtschfatskompetenz im Sinne der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung e.V.
  171. Inmaculada Valencia Álvarez
  172. Institute for Development and Leadership in Africa-IDEA
  173. International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology (Correpondent Member)
  174. International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
  175. International Movement ATD Fourth World
  176. International Network for Corporate Social Responsibility  (IN-CSR)
  177. International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)
  178. International Presentation Association
  179. International Youth Alliance for Family Planning
  180. Interregional social movement – Council for the implementation country’s spatial development strategy
  181. Irina Environnement
  183. Isaac Omondi
  184. JAD (Justice, Action, and Development) Foundation
  185. Jamaa Resource Initiatives
  186. Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation (JANIC)
  187. Jenny Gladh
  188. Jenny Nyberg
  189. Jeunes volontaires pour l’environnement
  190. Johannes Hilariusson
  191. Josefin Linih
  192. Juan de la Serna Torroba
  193. Judith Liesenfeld
  194. Julie O’ Donoghue
  195. Justice, Development & Peace Commission, Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria
  196. Kaengesa environmental conservation society
  197. Karlstad Sweden
  198. Katherine McGrath
  199. KCOC
  200. Kenana Association
  201. Kenana Associstion
  202. Khpal Kore Organization (KKO)
  203. Kikandwa Environmental Association
  204. Kindness Collective
  205. kkr ks charitable trust
  206. Klimataktion
  207. Klimatriksdagen (Peoples Climate Parliament Sweden)
  208. KOICA
  209. Korea Federation for Environmental Movement
  211. Korea Overseas Volunteers Association
  212. KOTHOWAIN (vulnerable peoples development organization)
  213. Krisoker Sor (Farmers’ Voice)
  214. Kristin Persson
  215. KVO International
  216. Ladlad Caraga Incorporated
  217. Lao Civil Society Coordination Committee Office (LCCO)
  218. League of Professional Women
  219. Let There Be Light International
  220. Liberal Foundation for Change (LIFOCE). Civic awareness grassroot networking. Democracy Dialogues and meeting sessions on the discussion of civic awareness levels of our societies through engagements
  221. Lighthouse Foundation/Free from Malaria!
  222. Lynn Neher
  224. Make Mothers Matter (MMM)
  225. Malawi Handcart Project
  226. Maldives Association of Persons with Disabilities
  227. Maria Ebun Foundation
  228. Medical Mission Sisters
  229. medicusmundi spain
  230. meerkat foundation
  231. MicroMeK
  232. Migrant Forum in Asia
  233. Milda G.
  234. Mills College/ Global Women’s Justice and Peace
  235. Ministerio de la Producción – Perú
  236. Miriam College
  237. Misean Cara
  238. Mohamed Husni (@mohamedhusni)
  239. Mother of Hope Cameroon (MOHCAM)
  240. Music for One Foundation
  241. MVP선교회
  242. NABU e.V. (Birdlife Germany)
  243. National Campaign For Sustainable Development-Nepal
  244. National Civil Society Council of Liberia (NCSCL)
  245. National Dalit Movement for Justice-National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights
  246. National Old Folks of Liberia, (NOFOL)
  247. Neo-Africa Leaderahip Organisation
  248. Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organization
  249. NET Africa
  250. NGO Carbone Guinée
  251. NGO Federation of Nepal (NFN)
  252. Nigerian Youth SDGs Network
  253. Nina Petersson
  254. Noble Delta Women for Peace and Development
  255. Noble Missions for Change Initiative
  256. NVO
  257. NYU Center on International Cooperation – Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies
  258. OMEP (World Organisation For Early Childhood Education) Cameroon
  259. ONG ADOKA
  260. ONG Jeunesse Debout
  262. Open Briefing
  263. Opportunity Two Excel Foundation
  264. Organisation africaine des jeunes pour les √âtats-Unis d’Afrique OAJEUA
  265. Organismo indígena Naleb’
  266. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Initiative
  267. Oxfam
  268. Pacificwin
  270. Pakistan Development Alliance
  271. Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum
  272. Participatory Research Action Network- PRAN
  273. Partners for Peace and Prosperity (3Ps)
  274. Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just, and Inclusive Societies
  275. PCCDS
  276. Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International, Nigeria.
  277. Peace Hope Pakistan
  278. Peer-to-Peer Child Development Centre (PPCDC)
  279. People Empowerment Foundation
  280. People’s Climate Parliament Sweden
  281. Peoples Federation for National Peace and Development  (PEFENAP)
  282. Permaculture Association (Britain)
  283. Pesticide Action Network
  284. Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement
  285. PNND Co-Convenor
  286. POSCO Agenda 2030
  287. POVOD, Slovenia
  288. Preserve Rural Orange
  289. president Center for Development of International Law
  290. Pro Natura – Friends of the Earth Switzerland
  291. RACI – Argentine Network for International Cooperation
  292. Rapad Maroc
  293. RB/PMJE
  294. Reacción Climática
  295. Red Dot Foundation
  296. Red para el Desarrollo Comunitario / Cemefi
  297. Réseau Béninois du Parlement Mondial de la Jeunesse pour l’eau (RB/PMJE)
  298. Réseau des Organisations de Développement et Associations de Défense de Droits de l’homme et de la Démocratie (RODADDHD)
  299. Reseau International des Jeunes Leaders Francophones
  301. – Digital for Good
  302. Restless Development
  303. Rhamna Women & youth
  304. Roberta
  305. Roscommon Environmental Network
  306. Rural Area Development Programme, RADP
  307. SAIEVAC(South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children
  308. Sanaeya Vandrewala
  309. Save Our Continent, Save Nigeria
  310. Save Our Continent, Save Nigeria.
  311. Save the Children UK
  312. Schools Without Borders
  313. Scotland’s International Development Alliance
  314. SDG Action Alliance Bangladesh
  315. Secretariat Permanent des Organisations Non Gouvernementales (SPONG) Burkina Faso
  316. Self Help Africa
  318. Sisters of Charity Federation
  320. Social Democrats Germany
  321. Society and youth development
  322. SOLIDAR
  323. Strategic Youth Network for Development
  324. Success Capital Organisation
  325. Sugur Development Agency (SUDA)
  326. SUNFO
  327. SUNFO Global Federation
  328. Sustainable Development Council
  329. Sustainable Development Goals Children Parliament of Sri Lanka
  330. Sustainable Development Goals Youth Network of Sri Lanka (SDGYNSL)
  331. TaiWha Social Welfare Foundation
  332. Task Force Citoyenne de médiation pour la paix, la gouvernance et la démocratie
  334. The Hunger Project
  335. The Lamp
  336. Think Centre
  337. Transparency International-Mongolia
  338. Treesisters
  339. Tullia Jack
  340. UDYAMA
  341. UEJN Judiciales Argentina
  343. UIRI
  344. UNA-Germany
  345. UNA-Ghana
  346. Unanima Internstional
  347. Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social-UNITAS
  348. Unique Foundation The Gambia
  349. University of Namibia
  350. Vaagdhara
  351. Vienna Ecosocial Forum
  352. Volunteer Groups Alliance
  353. Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (WNTA)
  354. WASH-Net Sierra Leone
  355. WaterAid
  356. WECF e.V. Women Engage for a Common Future
  357. Winners women
  358. Women Coalition for Agenda 2030
  359. Women for Equal Chances-Congo
  360. Women Network to promote Metal Health in Liberia
  361. Women’s Rights Action Group
  362. World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy
  363. World Vision Ireland
  364. Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
  365. Youth For Environment Education And Development Foundation (YFEED Foundation), Nepal
  366. Youth for Peace International
  367. Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
  368. Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana/SOCODEVI
  369. Youth in Action for development
  370. Youth in Technology and Arts Network (YOTAN)
  371. Youth Partnership for Peace and Development
  372. Zac Bryant
  373. Zara Raheem
  374. Zerdoum saliha
  375. Zulaikha Afzali
  376. 더멋진세상
  377. 미래희망기구/연세대학교
  378. 사단법인호이/SDG4
  379. 엔젤스헤이븐(Angel’s Haven)
  380. 영남삼육고등학교
  381. 지구촌나눔운동
  382. 코이카
  383. 키자미테이블
  384. 팍스 크리스티 코리아
  385. 한국해외봉사단원연합회
  386. (사)등대복지회