The world is facing massive challenges, from a worsening situation on climate change, to the rise of populism, gender and economic inequality, in addition to the threat of major virus pandemics. Activists from directly affected communities are driving transformative change and implementing solutions to these challenges. They work through strategies that combine innovation, traditional knowledge and ethical practices.. Their stories must be told so others can follow suit.
The Zovu Digital Storytelling Fellowships support frontline activists to tell their stories, deliver advocacy and share their insights on how to bring about transformative change.
It is only by a joint effort that we can hope to deliver a transformation that ensures a long-term transition to a more just and sustainable world can be achieved; including fighting inequalities, ensuring peaceful societies, guaranteeing basic rights and keeping global warming below 1.5°C as a pre-condition for human rights and well-being. It is only by a joint effort that we can hope to deliver a transformation that ensures a long-term transition to a more just and sustainable world can be achieved; including fighting inequalities, ensuring peaceful societies, guaranteeing basic rights and keeping global warming below 1.5°C as a pre-condition for human rights and well-being.
Throughout 2022, Action for Sustainable Development will work with up to 25 movements, activists and organisations to co-produce and amplify their stories of change. Activists will be mentored and assisted to capture audiovisual material about their initiatives and communities as well as to craft stories that speak to the relevance of local solutions to global challenges. Participants may receive small grants of up to USD600 for technical support, training or materials if needed.
The stories will be shared on action4sd.org and social media. They will also be shared with partners and our network of over 3300 members. This will enable the sharing of best practices and facilitate connection across members.
The application period will be open from 10 to 31 January 2022.
How to participate
We are looking for up to 25 movements, activists or organisations from the Global South who have great stories to tell.
Applicants must be members of the Action for Sustainable Development network. If you are not yet a member, you can join us by filling in this form.
Candidates must be working on initiatives tackling climate change and/or social justice issues. We are particularly interested in groups who are tackling these issues from a cross-cutting perspective or looking at the intersections between the two topics. Unchanged: Candidates must be working on initiatives tackling climate change and/or social justice issues. We are particularly interested in groups who are tackling these issues from a cross-cutting perspective or looking at the intersections between the two topics.
Applications will be scored in regard to 4 main criteria:
– The effectiveness and relevance of the initiative
– Their innovation and boldness
– The inclusion efforts made by the leading team
– The capacity and commitment to carry out the proposal
Initiatives led by traditionally marginalised communities (such as young people, women, refugees, persons with disabilities, older people, ethnic minorities etc…) will be prioritised.
Candidates can submit their initiatives by filling in the form linked below. The form consists of a few questions about the leading organisation or movement as well as the climate and social justice initiative they would like to showcase. Unchanged: Candidates can submit their initiatives by filling in the form linked below. The form consists of a few questions about the leading organisation or movement as well as the climate and social justice initiative they would like to showcase.
Please note that candidates will not receive a confirmation email after finalizing their submission, therefore they must ensure to click the “send” button at the end of the form.
Participants will be shortlisted by 31 March 2022 and all candidates will be contacted by email in regard to the outcome of their applications.
We will hold two online Q&A sessions on Zoom on 18 January, where you may ask any further questions about the application process or the project. You may join one of the sessions by registering for the one at 10 am GMT or the one at 2 pm GMT.
For further questions, you may contact us at [email protected].
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