We are a global platform supporting civil society and citizen action for the delivery of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

Our platform has a membership of over 3,000 organisations and activists from over 155 countries (over 80% in the Global South) who are committed to ensuring a transformative agenda is delivered.

We came together in April 2016 to raise our voices and ensure that the key principles of the 2030 Agenda to deliver a more just and sustainable world in which no one is left behind and which ensures a model of economic development within our planetary boundaries.

For more information, you can read our Mission Statement. Our priorities are guided by an elected Facilitation Group which agrees on the Strategic
Plan. The plan is delivered by the Coordination Team, working closely
with national partners and local activists.

Facilitation Group

The Facilitation Group provides an advisory role to Action for Sustainable Development. It consists of up to 25 members representing different world regions, thematic constituencies and key global civil society networks.

The Facilitation Group ensures programs and strategies stay on track, it advises the Coordination Team and Working Groups on their priorities and engagement strategies, and it identifies linkages and potential conflicts in order to help ensure coherence.

The group is elected on a two year term. Elections were held in December 2018 for the 2018-2020 cycle. There are 2 representatives for each of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Pacific, Europe, Middle East & North Africa, South America, North America; one representative for each of the following thematic constituencies: youth, older persons, women, indigenous people, persons with disabilities and rural environmental groups; and one representative for each of the following global networks: CIVICUS, Climate Action Network (CAN) International, Forus and GCAP.  

Coordination Team

The Coordination Team drives the shared activities of the platform. The team is led by the Global Coordinator, with the Network Officer and 5 part-time Regional Coordinators, as well as continued support from the core global networks- CAN, CIVICUS, Forus & GCAP.

Oli Henman


Global coordinator


Oli leads the team and has primary responsibility for global advocacy and engagement with multilateral bodies such as the UN and other international institutions. He has previously worked on civil society engagement in a wide range of contexts including with many key governments, the EU and UN, and he was a co-drafter of the Council of Europe’s ‘Code of Good Practice on Civil Participation’. He is half-Brazilian and started his career working on participatory budgeting in the cities and rainforests of Brazil.

Clara Sanchiz


Network Officer


Clara is responsible for maintaining regular contact across the diverse membership, including website and communications, as well as member engagement and wider awareness raising. She is currently responsible for driving forward the Zovu project, which shares stories of frontline community activists. Clara has worked in different civil society organisations in the Netherlands, Ivory Coast and South Africa, and she brings strong experience of multi-lingual content production and project management.

The regional networks who host the Regional Coordinators are:

  • Africa CSO Working Group on Sustainable Development (AWG)
  • Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND)
  • Asia Civil Society Partnership for Sustainable Development (APSD)
  • Mesa de Articulación (Latin America and Caribbean)
  • Pacific Islands Association of Non-governmental Organisations (PIANGO)
  • SDG Watch Europe (Europe)
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Working Groups

In order to deliver on the promise of a more just and sustainable world, A4SD is focused on the following 4 activity streams:

Policy & Advocacy

Civil society groups from every region of the world are supported to influence policy decisions on sustainable development and carry out advocacy at national, regional and global levels

Public Mobilisation

Collective action to include at least 1 million active citizens takes place on an annual basis to maintain the public spotlight on this shared agenda

Monitoring & Accountability

Civil society organisations are able to contribute to and provide oversight of government reporting on progress on the SDGs and Paris Climate Agreement, as well as deliver their own independent reporting

Innovative Solutions & Capacity Development

Good practice in innovation on ways that civil society and active citizens can deliver the agenda from the national to the global level will be shared via an online interactive map, and support provided to civil society partners through regular workshops and webinars.


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This platform would not be possible without the ambition, dedication and good will of the volunteers that donate their expertise and energy to the project, from translators to those who provide programmatic and technical support.