This September marks the two year anniversary since the Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all 193 United Nations Member States. To take stock of goal progress and galvanise additional actions from across sectors, there are a number of activities planned both at UN Headquarters in New York and in communities around the world.
The 9th annual Climate Week NYC will take place during the General Debate of the UN General Assembly (UNGA). It will gather leaders from business, government and civil society to demonstrate how to make meaningful gains towards a zero emissions future and the achievement of the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals. More information.
Doers, thinkers and givers in the field of international sustainable development will come together to have a frank conversation about the status of Sustainable Development Goals and look at how to scale some of the most high impact and resource efficient SDG service delivery programs. More information.
Action for Sustainable Development has joined a global alliance of civil society groups to organise hundreds of public mobilisation events around the world. Together, we will take actions to raise awareness for the goals and speak up for civil society´s fundamental role in delivering the agenda. We the People – take Action for SDGs! Is the slogan for the two year anniversary. We would love to work with you on 25 September to organise community marches, town halls meetings, photo stunts and online actions. Join an event near you or take action online. Register your actions here. Toolkit available here.
Additional activities are also being planned between 22-24 September, as part of the SPEAK! campaign, which is organising in-person events in over 80 countries. Live conversation on social media at #Act4SDGs #TogetherWeSpeak @Action4SD.
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