Our Events

Stand Together Now webinar


Join us on Wednesday 11 September at 12:00 PM GMT for a webinar ahead of the Global Week of Action. During the webinar, we will share an overview of the campaign with Oli Henman (A4SD), two case studies of national experiences from The Philippines and Uganda with Beckie Malay (PRRM & GCAP) and Richard Sewakirianga […]

Webinar 2: Role of the Regional Sustainable Development Forums in ensuring open and inclusive SDG monitoring (FR)

Le suivi de la réalisation des ODD nécessite une responsabilisation à de nombreux niveaux, des instances locales et nationales aux forums régionaux et mondiaux. De plus en plus, les forums régionaux sont considérés comme un point crucial du cycle d'examen pour garantir la comparaison et un apprentissage efficace par les pairs. De nombreux participants ont […]

Webinar 3: Role of the Regional Sustainable Development Forums in ensuring open and inclusive SDG monitoring (ESP)

binarionaEl monitoreo de la entrega de los ODS requiere rendición de cuentas en muchos niveles, desde los foros locales y nacionales hasta los foros regionales y globales. Cada vez más, los foros regionales se presentan como un punto crucial en el ciclo de revisión para garantizar la comparación y el aprendizaje entre pares efectivo. Muchos […]

Building back better for nature and people to achieve the 2030 Agenda, through a transformational green recovery and recognising the right to a healthy environment

4-5.30 pm GMT - 12-1 pm NYC Register here. Convened by BirdLife International. The COVID19 pandemic has brought economic and social turmoil and tragedy, bringing a new dimension to risk and responsibility regarding nature.  To achieve the 2030 Agenda, states must deliver transformational, green recovery packages (focusing on both finance and policy change) which include […]

VNR Lab: “Analyzing VNRs- What did we learn so far?”


4.30-6.00 pm GMT - 12.30-2.00 pm NYC Register here. The United Nations Committee for Development Policy (CDP) has analyzed VNRs since 2017. This VNR Lab will present findings from the CDPs analysis of the VNR Reports focusing on good practices to implement the principle of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) and how inequalities are addressed […]