Our members and partners have produced many toolkits, reports and other documents on sustainable development, climate and environment and civil society engagement.

HLPF toolkits and reports

Civil Society Reports

Individual civil society country reports and reflections for the High Level Political Forum

Follow-up questions on civil society’s engagement in the VNRs for the High Level Political Forum

Colombia (English) Colombia (Spanish)|FinlandGermany

Other documents & toolkits

UNmute: Recommendations to ensure meaningful civil society participation at the United Nations: From ambition to action.

By: Permanent Mission of Denmark, the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica, UN Foundation, Action for Sustainable Development, CIVICUS, Global Focus, Action Aid International and Forus.

See list of signatories.

A series of recommendations on ways to strengthen participation of civil society at the UN in light of the Covid-19 pandemic have been developed. The recommendations include ways to bridge the digital divide, ensure meaningful participation at the UN and the call for a special envoy for civil society engagement across all UN processes.

These recommendations were submitted to the UN Secretary General in July 2021 and a high level side event was held in September 2021. The process will continue with specific webinars on key UN processes.


Ageing and the SDGs: Six steps to older people’s inclusion

By: HelpAge

This guide supports HelpAge staff and network members in using the Agenda 2030 to advance older people’s rights and inclusion. It sets out six key steps for integrating ageing and age-inclusive policies into national implementation of the Agenda 2030 – from understanding existing SDG implementation, to mapping key advocacy stakeholders and identifying the main influencing opportunities in the SDG process.


We will not be silenced: Climate activism from the frontlines to the UN [English]No seremos silenciados: activismo climático desde la primera línea hasta la ONU [Español]


This 2019 position paper details how people who speak out for climate justice are threatened and intimidated with violence, repressive laws, frivolous lawsuits and disinformation campaigns. Instead of responding to the demands of the climate movement for a more ambitious and just response to the climate crisis, governments are choosing to smother their voices.


Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit

By: TAP Network

Recognizing the critical importance of Goal 16 of the 2030 Agenda on peaceful, just and inclusive societies and accountable institutions, this toolkit provides civil society and other nongovernmental stakeholders with guidance on how to engage with their governments and other local, regional or international stakeholders to support the planning, implementation, follow-up and accountability of Goal 16.


Guidelines for CSO Shadow Reports

By: Forus

The purpose of these guidelines is to assist CSOs in producing effective shadow reports to monitor their government’s implementation of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development at a national level.


Girls and the Sustainable Development Goals in Selected Countries in the Asia-Pacific Region 

By: Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women

This Review aims to provide an analysis on girls and issues related to their well-being using selected SDGs, related indicators, and secondary data from 12 countries with a regional overview wherever possible


Means of implementation or means of appropriation? 

By: Spotlight on Sustainable Development

Global spotlight report challenges the notion that “trillions of private finance” are needed to advance SDG implementation and highlights the centrality of public policies and investments, pointing out how developed countries’ refusal to any meaningful democratization of global economic governance and the pervasive private sector bias.


Agenda 2030 for LGBTI Health and Well-Being

By: Global Forum on MSM & HIV, OutRight Action International,  The Global Advocacy Platform to Fast Track the HIV and Human Rights Responses with Gay and Bisexual Men

Description: Written in collaboration with the Global Platform to Fast Track the Human Rights and HIV Responses with Gay and Bisexual Men, the report illustrates how Sustainable Development Goal 3, Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being for All at All Ages, is relevant to the specific health needs of LGBTI people. 


A World That Cares: How to Support Children Without Parental Care Through the Sustainable Development Goals 

By: SOS Children’s Villages International

Description: The intention of this report is to set forth recommendations to discuss policies, programmes and services that governments should put in place to ensure that progress towards the SDGs will improve the lives of children without parental care and vulnerable families in vital areas, such as health, education, employment, protection and caregiver support.


Development and Access to Information, Executive Summary 2017 

By: IFLA in partnership with the Technology and Social Change Group

The report underlines the importance of meaningful access to information as a key supporting factor across the development agenda and offers a set of baseline indicators of the different pillars of access, thematic chapters by recognised experts on four of the focus SDGs at this year’s HLPF (agriculture, health, gender and innovation), and a focus on the contribution that libraries in particular can make.


Shadow Report: Nepal Brief Shadow Report from Community Forest Users 

By: The Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal

Description: This shadow report explores the perspective gaps between the community-based natural resource management and rural women groups and offers suggestions to improve VNR and process in Nepal

Action for Sustainable Development strategy and governance